When you started the 25 texture challenge and other questions

11:53 AM, Saturday September 5th 2020

Hey everyone!

I did a quick overall "syllabus" check to see how all the lessons flow, and also the recommended times to do the challenges/drills. I noticed the 25 Texture Challenge is a bit in the air.

Some context: I've just finished Lesson 2 and am about to start Lesson 3.

I was wondering if anyone would like to share some stories about their 25 texture challenge. When they started, how they went about it between lessons, if they repeated any of their previous textures (to make a better version), when they submitted, what they learned, etc.

Thanks in advance for those who have thoughts or experiences they would like to share!

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6:23 PM, Saturday September 5th 2020

I started doing them after the main texture lesson as and when I felt like it. Which isn't very often. Not my favourite bit and while a bit useful in making you look closely at the surface of an object I struggle with its definitions and applicability.

I think the background approach has been suggested in response to similar questions.

10:39 AM, Tuesday September 8th 2020

Thanks =)

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2:40 PM, Sunday September 6th 2020

I'm doing it at the moment (I have done 12 so far), and what I've done is do 2 textures from time to time. Sometimes when finishing a lesson I force me to do 2 textures more for example. And sometimes when I've been too much time in a lesson I choose to do 2 more at the middle of it.

I remember uncomfortable recommending to do them in batches of 1-2 textures, and in intervals of around 2 weeks at least, in case you want to take it as reference.

I haven't repeated textures, but I guess if you find some really big misunderstanding you had with the whole concept it might be a good idea to repeat some of them.

10:42 AM, Tuesday September 8th 2020

I can't remember that guideline (1-2 intervals every fortnight or so) - that actually sounds like a good starting point to play around with. Thanks so much!

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