Hello and congrats on completing lesson one. I'll be taking a look at your submission today. Starting with your superimposed lines these are off to a fine start. You are keeping a clearly defined starting point with all of your wavering at the opposite end. I'm noticing that you are getting a bit of wobble in your ghosted lines and planes. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/14/wobbling This is also quite present in some of the later exercises although I am seeing MASSIVE improvement with your final exercise but I still want to mention this advice here so you can understand what the problem likely is.

This is the important part we need to be focusing on and the real problem I'm seeing:

You're hesitating as you execute the line, rather than drawing with a confident motion. Finally committing to a mark can definitely be quite daunting, but it's integral that you get used to accepting that mistakes do happen. Things go wrong - you can prepare as much as possible (and you should) but the moment your pen touches the page, any opportunity to avoid a mistake has already passed. Now you must commit yourself, push through with confidence, and execute your line. It's also worth remembering: we can still work with a line that is smooth and even, but there's not much that can be done with a wobbly one.

What's most likely happening is that you are worrying about accuracy too much while making your mark and it's causing you to slow down your stroke to compensate which is giving you quite a bit of wobble in your lines. That hesitation because of your concern for accuracy while making your mark is what is reintroducing the wobble into your lines. Try and rely a bit more on the muscle memory you build up while ghosting your mark and almost make your mark without thinking. This will be less accurate at first but will give you consistently smooth and confident linework which is our first priority. Accuracy will come with mileage and can't really be forced.

Your tables of ellipses are coming along pretty good. You are doing a good job drawing through your ellipses and focusing on consistent smooth ellipse shapes. This is carried over nicely into your ellipses in planes. It's great that you aren't overly concerned with accuracy and are instead focused on getting smooth ellipse shapes. Although accuracy is our end goal it can't really be forced and tends to come with mileage and consistent practice more than anything else. Your ellipses in funnels are looking fine. I'm not seeing any real issues here. One thing you could have done with these is start with a narrower degree ellipse in the center and then widen the degrees of the ellipses as they move outwards in the funnel. Please check the example here. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/18/step3 This helps with practicing different degrees of ellipses. Your ellipses are off to a great start but there's still room for improvement so keep practicing them during your warmups.

The plotted perspective was supposed to be done entirely with a ruler and it seems like you did half with a ruler and half without for some reason. A few of the vertical legs on your boxes are slanting a bit. It's important to realize in a two point perspective drawing that all of your vertical box legs should be perpendicular(straight up and down) to the horizon line. Your rough perspective exercises also feel a bit similarly rushed as you skipped drawing through your boxes for two of these exercises for some reason. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/20/step7 There is a pretty big improvement here in terms of line confidence although I am still seeing a bit of wobble in some of your lines. Once again this is probably happening because you are more concerned with accuracy now that you are constructing boxes and you are slowing down your stroke to compensate. Although you extended the lines back on your boxes you didn't do this quite correctly. You were supposed to extend your depth lines to the horizon line and instead you extended your corners to the vanishing point. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/20/extendinglineswrong Please pay a bit closer attention to the instructions. While the way you did it still shows if your constructions were accurate or not the other way gives a much clearer indication and better shows you how off your estimates were. Since you didn't extend your lines correct and skipped drawing through your boxes for two of these exercises I'm going to ask you to do one more page of this exercise. Focus on confident linework, draw through all of your boxes and make sure to extend your depth lines to the horizon line. One thing that can help you a bit when doing a one point perspective exercise like this is to realize that all of your horizontal lines should be parallel to the horizon line and all of your verticals should be perpendicular(straight up and down in this case) to the horizon line. This will help you avoid some of the slanting lines you have in your constructions.

Your rotated box exercise is also unfinished. I like that you drew this nice and big as that really helps when dealing with complex spatial problems. You also did a good job drawing through your boxes and keeping your gaps narrow and consistent. You are running into a pretty common issue of not actually rotating your boxes in some cases(happening pretty clearly on the right side) but instead simply drawing them moving back in perspective. https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/21/notrotating The problem is that you gave up about halfway through on this exercise. A big part of learning how to draw is getting comfortable working outside of your comfort zone and getting more used to failing and learning from your mistakes. Unfortunately in cases like this we can't analyze your mistakes because you didn't finish the exercise. So as a revision I'd like you to either finish this exercise to the best of your ability or try another and finish the entire thing. I'm not expecting it to be done well or even correctly but the attempt must be made in order to learn. Your organic perspective exercises are where I'm seeing the biggest improvement in terms of line confidence. You seem to be getting comfortable using the ghosting method and drawing from your shoulder for confident linework which is great. Your box constructions are improving as you work through these exercise and I can see you are develop a sense for how box lines converge to vps. There are still wonky boxes with convergence issues here and there so the 250 box challenge will be a great next step for you.

Overall this was a really good submission that showed quite a lot of growth when it comes to line confidence and quality. Once you get those revisions submitted and I take a look you can most likely move on to the 250 box challenge.