Hello and congrats on completing lesson one. English is not my first language so i will copy paste from the course.

"The lower example in this diagram shows a similar mistake, but one that follows a certain logic (even if that logic is incorrect). Here the student is drawing their line extensions from the front corner to the vanishing point. While this is not what the instructions have us doing (specifically because it's much harder to measure how far off we are, as it requires us to judge the angles between the edges and the extensions, whereas the correct method allows us to judge distances instead), it does hold some merit, and more importantly the reasoning behind the mistake is something that can be discussed and corrected."


Every now and then we'll come across a student who has missed some boxes - often the absolute corners, as these are especially challenging and confusing to draw. If a student has neglected to complete the whole set, they should be encouraged to complete it before moving on, and they should also be reminded that any fears over 'ruining' a page of exercises defeats the purpose of them being exercises in the first place.



"Beginners often prioritize accuracy first, thinking that it's more important that their lines reach their intended points - but this is incorrect. The most important thing you need to focus on first is keeping your marks smooth and consistent.

The reason is simple: we can generally execute pretty smooth marks now, by simply changing the way in which we approach the task. If we draw as confidently as we can, without concern for where we want the line to fall, our marks will always come out smoothly - just not accurately."


